Estate Online Auction

Starts Aug 19th @ 5pm - Begins to End Aug 26th @ 6pm
Furniture - Paul Sawyier Prints - Quilts - Crystal Glass - Lamps - Collectibles - OVER 700 LOTS
Secretary Desk w/Display bookcase, Cherry Sugar Chest, Jelly Jar Cabinet, Lift Chairs, Bedroom Furniture, Dining Tables and Chairs, China Hutch, Corner Hutch's, Drop Leaf Coffee Table, Gate Table, 2 Oak Office Chairs, Cherry 2 Glove /3 Bottom Drawer Dressers.
Over 40 Paul Sawyier Prints - The Blacksmith, Devil's Hollow, Summer At Peak Mill, Benson Road, Young Ky Fisherman, Capital in Winter, Country Land and More.
Crystal cut glass, Punch Bowl Sets, Carnival glass, Kings Crown Thumb Print, Fluted Vases, Fenton, McCoy, ByBee, Hull, Hand painted Bowls, Depression, Black Japanese Urn, Candy Dishes, Candle Holders.
Lamps, Hand Painted , Chandelier, Hanging Lamps, Oil Lamps, Lamps and Stands, Floor Lamps, Lamps w/Brass
Custome Jewelry, Wm Rogers Silverware, Griswold Skillets, 10" Hammered Skillet, Mantle Clocks, Dinnerware, Cast iron Patio Set. Many More Items too numerous to list.
Solid Hard Rock Maple Secretary Desk w/Bookcase 81"H, 39"W
Hand Painted Electric Chandelier
Etched and Frosted Glass Solid Brass Hanging Lamp
Cherry Sugar Chest 31.5" W , 32.5"T, 17.5"D
Pride Lift Chair (works w/manual)
5 Drawer Oak Dresser w/ marble top
Wing Chair 56"W, 21"D, 29"T
Small Table
Electric Hanging Lamp
31" Emerson TV w/remote
Electric Lamp 24"T w/marble base
Small Trunk and waste basket
small marble slab top oval coffee table
Wood Box 23.5"W, 6.5"T, 12"D
small curio cabinet 22"T, 12"W
Sugar Basket
Magazine Rack and Basket
2 Dogs figurines, concrete and plaster
Oak Table w/casters and 4 chairs
#5 Griswold Skillet
Griswold Skillet #6
10" Hammered Skillet
Country French Ironstone 4453 Japan 63 pc Dinnerware set
Bybee pie plate, Pyrex pie plate and bowl, 6 misc. plates, salt & pepper shakers
Bunn Coffee Maker and coffee pots
Brown Grape pitcher, key rack, canister.
can opener, angel food cake pan, mixing bowls, strainer, cake pan
Revere Ware Hanging Pot rack w/pots, lids , skillets.
Silverware and utensils
Blender, stoneware bowl, food storage jug.
Pyrex measuring cup, silverware, misc. utensils.
Food Processor, cooker, serving tray, food preparer, cooker, knife set, coffee pot.
can opener, 2pc canister set, coffee machine, mixers.
Blue Bottle, Jug Candle, coffee cups, juicier, pitcher
Sutton's Creation candy dish, 13" double hand painted vase (chip on lid), glass biscuit cookie jar
Soup Bowls ( one w/chip, one w/crack)
set of 3 Pyrex Stove top double boilers
2 pedestal cake stands, Rubbermaid server saver, cutting board, Fire King bowl
6 Yingage Hoening California Apple Pottery (w/chips on side)
Bass Pro Guy Harvey 4pc dishware set.
Anchor Hocking bowl, orchard tabletops mugs, cake pedestal, bowls
5 Correlle blue mugs, misc. mugs.
6 soup bowls, Mushroom bean pot, pottery studio
Karess Woodworth Gold Cream Blue jar glass, Jewelry boxes, candle holder
Fine China saucers and bowl, glass ashtray
Carnival glass top hat vase, Etched Stemware Laurel Leaf glasses, sterling plated spoons, etching glass pedestal.
Vase, depression glass
Glass Ice Bucket, Glass Coasters, Glass Compote, Vinegar & Oil vintage glass.
Aluminum Basket Bowl, Sterling Cream and Pitcher, Glass Bowls