Shirley "Tommy" White Estate Auction

We are offering the Shirley "Tommy " White Estate Online Auction of real estate and personal property. The real estate is located at 418 E Pike Street Cynthiana, Ky 41031. It offers a 1 1/2 sstory stone sided home that has 3 bd and 1 1/2 bath with beautiful hardwood flooring and a detached garage all in the heart of Cynthiana Ky. We also have a 2008 Ford F250 , 2002 Ford F250 truck with utility bed, 1994 Harley Davidson Electra Glide Classic, tractors, chainsaws, tools and ammunition. We will offer 2 opportunites to preview the items. You can look them over Nov 26th from 5-7 or again Nov 29th from 5-7. The house and items 5-10 are located at 418 E Pike Street Cynthiana Ky. The balance of the items may be viewed at our office location of 4565 Maysville Rd Flemingsburg Ky 41041 at the same times. This is a wonderful collection .....don't miss out !!
This 1 1/2 story stone home is situated on .16 acre lot in the heart of Cynthiana. It is heated by a recently installed Tem
floral sofa
This item is located at 418 E Pike Street Cynthiana Ky 41031
Beautiful wood cabinet with glass doors on top
plenty of drawers on bottom for storage
This item is located at 418 E Pike Street Cynthiana Ky 41031
Tredlock Gunsafe model 3028
This item is located at 418 E Pike Street Cynthiana Ky 41031
White Cabinet
This item is located at 418 E Pike Street Cynthiana Ky 41031
This item is located at 418 E Pike Street Cynthiana Ky 41031
Chifferobe waterfall style with secretary
This item is located at 418 E Pike Street Cynthiana Ky 41031
Kriegoff K-20 30'' Super Scroll Nickel 20 gauge
Caesar Guerini summit sporting 12 gauge with case
Ljutic mono gun stainless steel 12 gauge model 246
Browning M12 12 gauge with 5 choke tubes
Ithaca 5E Trap 12 gauge
Remington 20 gauge model 1100
Winchester model 70 XTR featherweight, 257 roberts, with leupold 3x9 vari-x 2 scope, serial G1602089
Winchester Model 69A 22 Sl or LR
Winchester Model 70, 264 caliber, with leupold scope 4-12x40 Vx Freedom, serial 35GZN02270
Ruger mini 14, 223 caliber, serial 182-30720
Springfield Model 1898, 30-40 Krag caliber, with peep sight
Remington sportsmaster model 512, 22 caliber
Belgian FN commercial mauser, model 1784, 243 caliber
Lc Smith 12 gauge double barrel
Browning model 12, 28 gauge
Savage model 340 series E, 222 caliber, with burris 3x9 scope
Winchester model 61, 22 caliber
Springfield 1903, 30-06 caliber, with leupold 3x9x40 scope
CZ model 457, 22 caliber, leupold VX freedom 3x9x40 scope, serial D089803
Remington 870 express 12 Gauge
Sako Finnebear 30-06. L81R 54934 with leupold scope
Winchester model 70, 375 H&H magnum with weaver scope, serial 536069
Kolar max light over under 12 gauge
Universal M1 carbine 30 cal. 2 magazines
Ithaca 400 12 ga double barrel
H&R model 900, 22 caliber
High standard supermatic, S-101, 22LR, serial 723412
High standard sentinel deluxe, R-107, 22LR, serial 1847389
Colt officers match 22LR
Smith & Wesson 357 mag
Colt single action army, 44-40, model 1970
Stoeger model 0411, 45 colt
High standard olympic, 22 short, serial 348509
High standard supermatic trophy, 22LR, serial 2368987
Colt Pyton, 357, serial PO015577
Ruger 22 caliber, serial 264-31640
Colt's Combat Commander 45
Approximatly 100 rounds of 380. caliber, 95 grain
Approximatly 80 .257 roberts shells, remington 117 gr
Approximatly 80 257. shells, remington 117gr
Approximatly 86 .257 roberts shells, 117 gr
Approximatly 105 5.56 shells